Saturday, June 20, 2020

War is what happens when words fail

Today we stand in the front of the war, and our army and border calls upon the citizens of the country. If we have to respect our martyrs, then every Chinese product has to be boycotted. For this, the public awareness is must and every Indian citizen has to remember his glorious history.
China's changed behavior towards India in the last few days is making it clear that China is trying to pressurize India not to become a part of the globally growing trust deficit against China .In that case India has to be very understanding and move forward with India Centric Diplomacy.
Perhaps you will also agree that when there is a disease, the doctor and the patient, the patient and the compounder, the doctor and the compounder, together, no matter how many rounds of discussion and negotiations are going on, the disease will not get cured. Treatment is necessary to cure illness .Investigation is necessary. If the disease is simple then it can be cured with some medicine. Healthy diet is also necessary along with medication if there is more illness ........ And if the disease is absolutely serious, then it is necessary to do surgery, along with prolonged treatment and dieting. I think the problem between India , Pakistan and China is not the same as other problems . It is purely a disease, a serious disease, which has been destroying India inward, economically, politically, culturally and socially for the last 70 years. Its roots are scattered in the last thousand years. The quacks of secularism have deepened and intensified the disease.
The symptoms of this disease are seen in Kashmir every day. ISI's ongoing activities within the country are also suggesting that the country's immunity has been mired. What is going on in Kashmir in the name of Jihad, our secularism is silent about the extent of impotence. The symptoms of this disease sometimes come to the surface at the time of a cricket match, sometimes at the time of religious procession, sometimes from the names of Ayodhya.......
...., no matter how much the progress and unity of the country is there on Eid. Prayers should have been performed during namaz. We never tried to negotiate with the Muslims who lived here after independence, what happened in India in the last one thousand years, as a final result of which we saw the land of sages being divided. There were no attempts to sit together and discuss what was there before and what had happened later. We covered the wounds of serious disease in secularism and till now we are keeping ourselves in the illusion of being healthy. In the way that secularism has been encapsulated around the interests of minorities, we thought that if the old pages were opened, the Muslims would be angry, the atmosphere would be bitter. We never dared to accept that there is disease.
It is not easy to get rid of objects from the past. Then and when the past is full of injustice. A thousand year past near India is full of injustice, tyranny and terror.
For the ancestors of today's Muslims(whose ancestors were Hindu) , persecution has been much deeper, because they had to change their religion, whatever the reasons may have been. Therefore, if we talk about the acts of Gazni, Babar or Aurangzeb, then Muslims should not be angry at all. If it is necessary to be angry, then they should be angry with those who under the flag of Islam, destroyed and corrupt the culture of this country and now had slept in the tombs, those sultans and emperors, who, on the emphasis of power, go all the way to the extent of our ancestors for centuries Thirteen hundred years ago, when firstly Muslims started the attack here, our generation may not have been so far-sighted as to read the future. The future that was going to happen after a thousand years. The future of the division of this land. ........... why should not try to read the future of the next one thousand years? Because the trends that led to Pakistan, they were getting strength and this process of nutrition has yet not stopped. Now it is hurting us here and there as Jihad across borders . Therefore, it is certain that problems have not been solved despite the partition. Now there are problems both inside and outside.
We must remember that we are descendant of Varahamihira and Aryabhata, we should learn to read the present and the future. We are the descendants of Dhanvantari, Charaka and Sushruta, we know how to cure diseases. We belong to the country of Chanakya, ever wonder where the art of renunciation and creation with diplomacy got lost. And it is also a matter of great thought that why the culture which was embraced by the Huns, Shakas, Kushans and Yavans could not digest Isla.........? So to strengthen the country's immunity and digestive power, we must take concrete steps other than vain talks. We should talk in the same language that the other side understands. It is not wise to teach peace and non-violence to those who have a passion on their head. This paves the way for the Nobel Peace Prize, but neither peace can be established nor can the problem be solved. .......

Jai Bharat

Dr.Priyadarshini Agnihotri