Sunday, June 07, 2020

Relief structure of India (The Peninsula Peninsular Plateau )

Plateau of South / Plateau of Peninsular India
It is spread over an area of about 16 lakh sq km. It is the oldest plateau in the world. In this sense, it is also the oldest plateau of India, the Aravalli Mountains, the hills of Kaimur, the Rajmahal and the Shillong hills form the northern boundary of the plateau of the south. The southern view of the plateau of the peninsular India or the plateau of the south is as far as Kanyakumari. It is formed from Archaean rocks and has been highly modified. This region is tectonically quiet. Therefore, the probability of earthquake here is quite weak. The plateau of Meghalaya is part of the peninsular plateau. It is the north-eastern outskirts of the peninsular plateau.
The Meghalaya plateau appears to be far from the peninsular plateau due to the deposition of deposits by the Ganges and Brahmaputra river systems. The average elevation of the peninsular plateau is 600–900 m. The western edge of the peninsular plateau is the 'Western Ghats'. The Western Ghats are basically Fault Scarp. It was formed during and due to the separation of India from Africa. The eastern boundary of the peninsular plateau forms the Eastern Ghats. There has been considerable erosion of the Eastern Ghats. Due to this it has become a very low terrain. Many erosion crevices formed on the peninsular plateau due to land circulation. The major rivers like the Narmada and the Tapi follow erratic crevices and fall into the Arabian Sea opposite the slope of the peninsular plateau. There is also evidence of several innovations during the construction of the Himalayas on the peninsular plateau. During the construction of the Himalayas on the peninsular plateau, many innovations are also found. The slope of the northern part of the peninsular plateau is towards the north and northeast direction. According to this slope, the rivers Son, Chambal, Damodar etc. decide the direction of their flow. There is also evidence of Peneplain on the peninsular plateau. No part of the peninsular plateau is submerged under the sea ever after construction. No part of the peninsular plateau is submerged under the sea ever after construction.

Description of the peninsular plateau of India The peninsular plateau has been divided into many small plateaus due to the condition of many mountains and rivers. These plateaus are as follows

Deccan Plateau * Telangana Plateau

* Karnataka Plateau * Meghalaya Plateau Plateau of Kutch Peninsula
Chotanagpur Plateau Malwa Plateau
* Bundelkhand Plateau * Baghelkhand plateau * Dandakaranya Plateau

Plateau of the southern Deccan Plateau

Deccan Plateau The spread of this plateau is about 5 lakh sq km. It is a plateau composed of basalt deposits. The depth of lava deposition decreases from west to east in the Deccan Plateau region. Telangana and Karnataka are important plateaus. Black soil has been produced in the vast area here, which is known as 'black soil' or regur soil due to its specialty of cottoncultivation.Deccan plateau to the west of Amarkantak and Surguja in the east In Kutch, Belgaum in the south and Rajahmudry in the southeast. The Tapi River (Tapti) forms the northern boundary of the Deccan plateau. 

Telangana Plateau
This plateau is made up of Archaean Nice rock. The Godavari river divides the Telangana plateau into two parts. Its northern part is mountainous and covered, while on the southern part there is an abundance of Urmil plain. The southern part of the Telangana plateau produces an ideal condition for pond formation due to the abundance of the Urmil plain. Another important river flowing through the Telangana plateau region is 'Wardha'.

The plateau of Karnataka is made up of Archaean Nice rocks. The plateau of0 Karnataka is mainly divided into two parts. The contour line of 600 meters height divides it into two parts @ the northern part and the @ southern part i.e. the Mysore plateau. The major rivers of the northern part of the Karnataka plateau are Krishna and Tungabhadra. The main river of the Mysore plateau is the Kaveri. Bababudan hill is located on the Karnataka plateau. The Bababudan hill is famous for iron ore.

Meghalaya Plateau It is a northeastern outlying part of peninsular India. The Meghalaya plateau was initially connected to the main plateau, but it was separated from the main plateau during the construction of the Bay of Bengal. Its rocks are closely related to the rocks of the Chota Nagpur Plateau. Three hills of Meghalaya plateau are found from west to east respectively Garo Hills, X Khasi Hills and Jaitiya Hills. 7 The height of the Garo, Khasi and Jaitia Hills increases from the west to the east

Kutch Peninsula plateau is located in Gujarat. It is made of lava and tertiary rock. It is separated from the peninsular plateau due to alluvial deposits.

Chhotanagpur plateau has an average elevation of 700 meters. The Chota Nagpur Plateau is made up of granite and fine rocks. Many Peme plain are also found on this plateau. In this plateau region, the Damodar River flows through a rift valley. Due to the richness of mineral resources, it is called Roor of India. The Chota Nagpur plateau is also very rich in terms of forest resources.
Malwa Plateau This plateau is formed from basalt lava. Here, there is a black clay mixed ground made of lava. Betwa, Mahi, Chambal, etc. rivers flow through the Malwa plateau.
Bundelkhand Plateau This plateau is built from the oldest Bundelkhand Nees. Large ravines have been built on this plateau by the Chambal and Yamuna rivers.
Baghelkhand Plateau Baghelkhand plateau is composed of sandstone, limestone and granite. To the north of this plateau are the hills. Sonepur hills and Ramgarh in the south

Dandakaranya Plateau This plateau is very rugged. Hence the density of population here very rare.

Following are the mountains of peninsular India

* Aravalli Mountains
* Vindhyachal Mountains
* Satpura mountain range
* Western Ghats Mountain Range / Sahyadri
Aravali Mountains
It is the oldest folding mountain in the world. Due to erosion of Aravalli, it is now known as 'Residual mountain'. It extends about 800 km from Delhi to Ahmedabad. The Aravali Mountains are known as the Jarga Hills near Udaipur, the Harshnath Hills near Alwar and the Delhi Hills near Delhi. Raisina Hills of Delhi Ridge and Rashtrapati Bhavan area is a part of Aravalli hill. Guru Shikhar (1722 m) situated on the mountain of Abu is the highest peak of the Aravalli mountain. The Mahi and Luni river originates from the west side of the Aravalli mountain and the Banas river from the east side. Some important passes of Mount Aravalli are
Pipli Ghat ,Dewari,Desuri ,Bar
Aravalli mountain is made up of hard quartz rocks. Hence mineral like Sesa, copper, Asbestos and Mica.

The Vindhyachal ranges have spread from Gujarat to Bihar as the hills of Bharner, Kaimur and Parasnath from west to east. Its average elevation is 700 meters to 1200 meters. Here red sandstone is found in abundance, Vindhyachal ranges divide North India and South India

Satpura Range
This mountain range starts from the Rajpipla hills in the west and extends to the Chota Nagpur Plateau in the form of Mahadev and Maikal hills. The highest peak of this mountain range is Dhupgarh (1350 m) which is situated on the Mahadev mountain. Pachmarhi (1117 m) is also situated on the Mahadev mountain. The highest peak of Maikal hill is Amarkantak (1036 m), from where the Sone and Narmada rivers originate. It is a block mountain, in which the rift valleys of Narmada and Tapti are situated in the north and south respectively.

Western Ghat Mountains (Sahyadri) This is not an actual mountain range, but an erratic standing verge of the peninsular plateau. This mountain is about 1600 kilometers in length from the mouth of the river Tapti to Kumari Antreep. Sediments of lava are found in the northern part of the Western Ghat Mountains (up to 16 ° northern latitude). In its southern part, granite and fine rocks are found till Nilgiris. There are four important rates in the Western Ghat Mountains. :

(i) Thal Ghat: Altitude 580 m. Connectivity route between Nashik and Mumbai. (ii) Bhor Ghat: Average height 520 m. Connectivity route between Mumbai and Pune. (ii) Pal Ghat: Average elevation 530 m. Connectivity route between Coimbatore and Cochin. (iv) Sincot: Altitude 280 m. Connectivity route between Trivandrum and Madurai. Kasubai (1646 m) and Mahabaleshwar (1438 m) are important peaks of northern Sahyadri. Kudremukh (1892 m) is an important peak of central Sahyadri. The rivers Godavari, Bhima, Krishna etc. originate from the northern Sahyadri. The Tungabhadra River and the Kaveri River originate from the middle Sahyadri. Nilgiri hill is located at the meeting point of Eastern Ghat mountain and Western Ghat mountain. Dodabetta (2637 m) is the highest peak of the Nilgiris. Dodabetta is the second highest peak in South India. To the south of Nilgiri lies the hill of Annamalai. This hill is famous for the teak forests. The highest peak of South India is Anaimudi (2695 m situated on the hill of Annamalai. Palani hill is situated near Annamalai. Tourist place called Kodaikanal is on the hill of Palani. Nilgiri hill is a block mountain. Tourist place called Ooty It is situated on this hill. To the south of Annamalai are the hills of (Ilamallai). This hill is famous for the cultivation of cardamom. The hills of South India are famous for the cultivation of rubber, tea and coffee. Waterfall Garasappa of Sharavati River is situated on the Western Ghat mountain, It is the highest (255 m) waterfall in India.

The Eastern Ghat Mountains total length - 1300 km, average elevation - 615 meters, this mountain is more wide (190 km) in the north and less wide (75 km) in the south, its northern part is made up of chaoncite and khandolite rocks, while the central part. quartzite and slate are found in it. Its highest peak is Visakhapatnam peak (1680 m). Mahendragiri is the second highest (1501 m) peak, which is located in Orissa. This mountain range has been cut by rivers in many places, as a result many different hills are seen here. The hills of Bilagiri and Malagiri are famous for sandalwood and teak wood. Various rivers have cut the Eastern Ghat Mountains in many places. As a result, many different hills are seen here. Such as Javasi Hill - North Arcot District, Jingji Hill in Southern Arcot District, Colai Malai - Tiruchirappalli District, Shevarai Hill - Salem District, Bilagiri Hill - Coimbatore District. The hill of Shevarai is famous for various metallic minerals.

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