Sunday, June 07, 2020

Background of International Women's Year

The year of 1974 was celebrated as the International Women's Year all over the world. In that year, the United Nations requested the governments of all countries and social organizations to think a little more about women's awareness. It has had some effects and some movements were also seen everywhere. This is a good sign and a proof to understand where the wind is blowing. Governments of countries around the world have since been paying more attention to the relatively female problem. Nothing is being done to remove bottlenecks and facilities for their route. Social organizations are also expressing more eagerness and activism in this direction than ever before to think and do something. Relatively more articles are being published in magazines and magazines on women flourishing. Conferences, resolutions, demonstrations are also popular

These are good signs. Whether it is concrete or polled efforts, they produce some results. Where women's organizations existed, there is also a shroud and the enthusiasm to take some creative steps by not keeping the paper kiosks standing. New organizations have started in many places, new creative works have started in many places. A large number of thoughtful women have started thinking that to remove the backwardness of their society, some big efforts should now be made and the situation should improve rapidly. Many visionaries among men have started thinking that the backwardness of women is the biggest problem affecting the human society, it should be allowed to remain in such a neglected unresolved situation.
There used to be discussions on the female problem in the past, but it was considered as such a mild thing at the domestic level, but now people have taken a new turn and a new notion has emerged to give priority to that neglected problem. The coordination of all of this can be seen peeping from behind the curtain as celebrating the year of 1975. This yearhas created so many innovative movements.
It is to be hoped that this emerging, popular public will produce its far-reaching impact. Thus, from time to time, many movements stand and rise in accordance with the influence and enthusiasm of its convenors.And become equal. One of those women campaigns should not be considered or should not be considered as an occasional celebration of the institutions and should not think that this rainy cloud will cool down after some roaring-surgeon. Even if it would have been the effort of some individuals, organizations. It could have been feared, but the reality is different. The time cycle is moving and how it has changed to change the era. There is a possibility in the micro world that how many important changes will be presented by their intense flow. Women's resurgence is one of them.If the supervision of the International Women's Year, how much contribution was made to the solution of the complex women's problem.
If you want to draw out on the basis of what is printed and what is said, then some satisfaction can be inhaled.
But if you want to see whether there is the power behind them to turn time and change the flow, then you will have to be disappointed.
These days, the biggest problem in the world, the need to cancel the subjugation of half the population (narishakti), has come to the fore in the form of a woman awakening to ask for her solution. Now there is no such situation that it can be postponed for ever
The question is about the life and death of mankind. Early morning awakening is now expanding its movements everywhere. The awakened soul asks for her authority. The inner consciousness of women has now left the state of unconsciousness behind. She is not ready to live on a lower level than humans. Time's support is with her. In such a situation neither rejection will work nor oppression will succeed. When the call for justice has prevailed, the recognition has been there. These days too, the era is adamant about seeking the solution of the biggest problem of its time. Woman will have to give her human place and rights. In other words, she can also say that the call for justice is yet to be recognized. The subordination loop of women is about to be cut, at the request of the United Nations, the year 1975 was celebrated as the Woman's Year, it was an auspicious sign that foretells human changes and feelings. Or there is no hope of some big change in today's situation in such a great work from the frauds of government and non-governmental organizations. They have lost public reverence, so it is not enough for them to overthrow the deep antagonism of the masses and to establish new idealistic values ​​in its place. Still, showing enthusiasm and interest in this field is also of no less importance. This shows that when there is such a lot of interest here, then how much intense stirring role is being played. Affect the wider areaEnlightened and empowered proverbial problems like female revival
Resolve For this, the great folk consciousness has to be organized and reorganized. It is also happening. The boil is cooked, now it is about to burst. Another great fortress of human oppression by man is about to be amazed.


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