Sunday, January 24, 2021

Manufacturing Industries:

Manufacturing Industries: 

The raw material can be changed with the help of hands or machines and made more useful than before.  For example, cotton is of limited use to us but when converted to cotton, its value increases because it can be used to make garments.  Similarly, we cannot directly use iron-3 ore from mines, but after making steel from ore it becomes more useful and valuable.  It is used in everything from needles and safety pins to machines, tools, rail rails, seaports and building construction.  The same is true of substances derived from oceans, forests and animals.  So it is clear that when the primary products New, useful and valuable items are created by processing, then they are called secondary activities.  Thus, secondary activities are concerned with three things - (i) manufacturing, (ii) processing, (ii) manufacturing.

Manufacturing Industries: Meaning
Manufacturing literally means 'making by hand'.  But now items made of machines are also being included in it.  Manufacturing is basically a process in which raw or semi-finished goods are The high value is converted into ready-made goods that can be sold in local or distant markets.  Manufacturing refers to the production of any item.  This includes all types of production ranging from handicrafts work, molding, making plastic toys to assembling computer components and spacecraft manufacturing.  Manufacturing industries not only process raw materials derived from land, water and air, but also use earth-made materials;  Such as steel, bomb, wooden laddus etc.  The manufactured material of one industry can be the raw material of another industry.  As timber is used to make pulp, pulp paper industry is the raw material of;  Paper is the raw material of the publishing industry.
Definition given by the United Nations
"Manufacturing is the mechanical and chemical transformation of organic or inorganic materials into a new product, whether the work is performed by a powered machine or by hand; whether the work is done in a factory or in the workers' home and whether the product is wholesale  Sell ​​in or retail. "

Characteristics of manufacturing industries -
 Some common features are found in all modern processes of manufacturing, which are as follows
(i) A complex but smart organization, (ii) Specialized labour , (it) use of machines, (iv) use of energy resources, (v) huge investment of capital, (v) large scale production, (  vi) Sophisticated products, (vii) Research and Development, R & D.), (ix) Production of Identical items.
Manufacturing can be done by modern means and machines of energy or by old means.  But manufacturing in Third World countries is still taken literally today.  Complete picture of all the manufacturers of these countries Can not be submitted  These countries put more emphasis on such 'industrial' activity in which the mechanism of production is less complicated.

Characteristics of Modern Large Scale Manufacturing
Following are the salient features of large scale manufacturing in the modern era:
1. Specialization of skills or methods of production
Under the craft method, only a small number of items are made in factories that have already received orders.  As a result, the cost of such items is high.  In a mass production, each employee keeps making the same number of parts repeatedly.  This also reduces the cost of goods and the standard of goods remains the same.

2. Mechanization - Mechanization refers to the use of devices (devices, jugaads) or gadgets that carry out tasks. The use of automated machines during manufacturing, in which humans do not have to be braced, refers to the advanced state of mechanization.  is.  At present, there are automated factories all over the world which are equipped with feedback and closed loop computer systems and in which machines have been developed for 'thinking'. From

3. Technological Innovation - An important feature of large-scale modern manufacturing is that they also research and develop Development) uses technology innovations that can effectively control quality, elimination of waste, elimination of inefficiency and pollution reduction effectively.

4. Organizational structure and Stratification - Modern manufacturing works like an organization.  In which the manager, sales department, publicity department, finance specialist, secretary, personal department etc., carry out their responsibilities.  In this large 'system' some characteristic features are found;  like-
(i) The technology of the machines of these factories is very complex.
(ii) Extreme specialization is found in every field of production and division of labor is resorted to in order to get more production through less efforts and lower costs.
(iii) There is a lot of investment of capital.
(iv) Large numbers on higher wages and better facilities in it, bureaucrats are appointed who get all kinds of tasks done.

5. Uneven Geographical Distribution - The major concentrations of modern manufacturing have developed in very few places in the world.  Their expansion is less than 10 percent of the total land of the world.  Countries rich in manufacturing industries have become centers of economic and political power.  However, their manufacturing sites appear to be small and insignificant compared to their total area.  Due to their intensive processes, these manufacturing sites are concentrated in much smaller areas than agriculture.  For example, there are four large farms in the square kilometer area of ​​America's corn box which employs 10-20 workers who feed 50-100 people.  On the other hand, many integrated factories can be set up in the same area, in which thousands of workers can be employed.

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