Wednesday, January 20, 2021


                                CONCEPTS OF OPTIMUM POPULATION
The distribution of population always depends on the distribution of resources.  Just as the distribution of natural resources on the ground is uneven, similarly the distribution of population is also uneven.  Therefore, the population is low, high or optimal in a country depends on the pressure of population on the resources of that country and the level of technology developed for the use of resources.  In other words, it is the level of resource utilization that determines whether a country is underpopulated, overpopulated or balanced.  Any country with an optimum population is called only when there is a balance between available resources and population-size.  We call this concept also ideal or desired population.

Importance of optimal population in geography
The concept of optimal population is born out of the womb of economics, yet its importance in geography is increasing.  The reason for this is that humans have been considered as the focal point of the study of geography and the study of issues related to population holds a special place in human geography.  For this reason, geographers around the world have started studying the interrelations of population and resources.
Origin of the Concept of Optimum Population - About five hundred years before Christ, there has been a great philosopher in China named Confucius.  He opposed the uncontrolled growth of population and said that it is mandatory to have a numerical balance between population and environment.  This numerical balance later became the philosophy of optimal population.  The concept of optimal population was introduced in the modern era by an economist named Sidwi (Sidwi although he did not use the term 'optimal'. In later years Cannan explained this concept in simpler terms. Robbins) and  Carr Saunders also expressed his views on this philosophy. Sauvy described it as an important tool but raised questions as to how the optimum would measure the population?
Meaning of Word Optimum Population - Optimal is a relative term that should be determined in terms of quality of life.  The optimal population of any country is the one that provides the highest quality of life.  Quality of life means that every person gets enough food, energy, pure drinking water, pure environment, enough raw material to make all the things he needs, facilities for health and recreation, and to get the proper path of cultural development.
Hurdles in Defining and Measuring Optimum Population - Defining the optimal population is a difficult task because it is calculated by the resources  exploitation varies according to changes in methods of use and development.
According to Dalton, "the optimal population is the one that gives the maximum income per person."  He expressed the optimal population by the following formula
                         A - O
              M = -------------
M=    Maladjustment,
A =    Actual Population,
O =      Optimum Population,

If the balance is zero, then the population of the state concerned is optimal.  If it is more than zero (a) ie Positive, then there is an over-population in that state and if less than zero (-) means negative, then the state has underpopulation.  The biggest flaw of Dalton's assumption and calculation is that he only gave importance to income and ignored other aspects of public welfare.
According to Veyret-Verner (1959, 163), optimum population is the one that enjoys full employment, a satisfacotry level of life, daily per capita in-take of over 2500 calories of food, per capita expenditure on food not exceeding 50 percent of total income, rational utilization of resources, dependency ratio not over burdening the adults and the division of labour permitting purely intellectual functions.
It is quite evident that the measurement of optimum population size for an area is extremely difficult. But however, following criteria for assessing optimum population size may be used : (1) per capita product or per capita income, (2) full employment, (3) longevity of life (life expectancy), (4) dependency ratio, (5) availability of pure drinking water and air, (6) highest average standard of living, (7) per capita consumption of food and energy, (8) proportion of expenditure on food, (9) balanced population resource ratio, (10) balanced demographic structure, (11) rational development of resources etc.

Optimum point is not constant or Stable
- The optimal point of population depends on the amount of resources, method of their use, economic condition and technological development.  When these elements are changed, the location of the optimal point also changes.  If any more.  On the basis of modern and successful technology in a populated country, mining and industrial production increases or if measures are taken to increase agricultural production, then that country can improve the life of its people in spite of overpopulation and get optimum population status  Can do.  For example, in Siberia, there has been an increase in production even after the increase in population due to development of forest, mineral and agricultural resources.  Similarly, according to the 2011 census, the density of population in India is 382 persons per sq km and in Singapore (according to 2004 figures) this density is 6,773 persons per sq km.  Despite this, the standard of living of the people in Singapore is higher than that of the people of India because Singapore has used its few resources in a great way on the basis of its superior geographical location and modern technology.
1It is clear from Figure  that the optimal population represents the balance between resources and population.  In this situation the needs of all people are being met.  If 1. Population size is less than resources, then it is a condition of underpopulation.  Conversely, if the size of the population is more than the resources, then it is called a state of overpopulation.  If the population between these two circumstances and if there is a balance in resources, then it is called optimal population.

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