Friday, August 07, 2020

Development of Atmosphere and Hydrosphere

Development of Atmosphere and Hydrosphere

Current state and composition of the atmosphere Has occurred in-
The first stage-early atmosphere had an excess of hydrogen and helium. Due to the proximity of the Earth to the Sun, the solar winds produced in the Sun blew away these primitive gases from the Earth. These solar winds not only from the earth but from all the earth planets destroyed the primitive atmosphere. This was the first stage of the development of the atmosphere.
Second stage - During the cooling and differentiation of the earth in the second phase, many gases, steam and . water vapor came out from inside the earth. This process is called degassing. Initially the atmosphere had high amounts of water vapor, nitrogen, carbon-dioxide, methane and ammonia and very little independent oxygen. Continuous volcanic eruptions led to the rise of water vapor and gas in the atmosphere.
Phase III condensation of water vapor along with cooling of the earth. Carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere dissolves in rainwater the temperature decreased further. This led to more condensation and heavy rainfall for many years. This rainwater flowed and gathered in the vast 1. village. This is how the oceans originated on Earth. Oceans formed 500 million years after Earth's origin. Thus the oceans are 400 million years old. The evolution of life began about 380 million years ago and the photosynthesis process evolved from 250 to 300 million years ago. For a long time life remained confined to the oceans only. The process of photosynthesis increased the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere. This is the creation of oceans. The oceans gradually became saturated with oxygen and the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere was completely filled 200 million years ago.

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