Monday, July 13, 2020

Pilot is ready to take off....

Pilot is ready to take off....

It is said that merit can be suppressed for a short time, but merit cannot be neglected. Ability is like a spring, as much as it is pressed, it bounces with the same power and reaches a new height. Sachin Pilot is going to prove it right. Means the pilot preparing to take off on the right runway for his qualifying aircraft ..... Looking at the current political scenario of Rajasthan, it seems that Sachin Pilot turned out to be the villain of the party overnight, disproving the Congress estimates.
Nevertheless, I have to say something, the way in which dynasty, nepotism and power fascination dominate in Indian politics. The Indian voter has been giving his unbiased opinion in every election. This time he has grown more mature this . He has behaved in the Assembly and Lok Sabha according to his interests and preferences and has directly attacked the concept of vote bank. The reality has also emerged from the election results that the social equation of one election does not continue to be maintained in the next election as well. The voter is seen every time demonstrating the ability to think in a new style and to align with their interests in a new way. At the time of election, the society appears to be formed in a new way for a while. This social intervention of democracy cannot be ignored. These changes indicate that if this trend continues, Indian parliamentary democracy can move one step closer to the classical possibilities of liberal democracy based on the competition of interests. Prominent among the young faces whom the media is presenting as new leadership are Rahul Gandhi, Sachin Pilot, Jyotiraditya Scindia, Jitin Prasad, Manvendra Singh, Dushyant Singh, Sandeep Dixit etc. There may be more names in this list of young leaders, in which the possibility of giving new leadership to the country's politics is seen. The important thing is that all these youth are sons or close relatives of some big leader. Technically it can be said that their specialty is being the leader-son. Almost all of them were educated abroad and the upbringing is also in the same environment. They have hardly interacted with any part of the country other than their Lok Sabha constituency. There is no question of being familiar with the ground reality of the country. Is his bookish knowledge of the circumstances of the country or is it well-known from the domestic environment? It cannot be said that these star young Turks lack energy, imagination, ideas and power. The question is, will there be any place for the poor, deprived, tribal and dalits in India of their dreams that can get them out of the doldrums? Also, how much understanding they have of the country's diverse cultural tradition, and do they know where and how the threat to the multiple fabric of the country's social structure is threatened? Why are poor farmers forced to commit suicide, why are deaths due to starvation after the stock of grain is full, why is the frustration of unemployed young generation becoming increasingly dense? There are many questions that these youth representatives have not yet faced.
These young MPs of modern lifestyles can be expected to take up their business or say that politics was first taken free from casteism, communalism, corruption and familism.Except for a few exceptions, these youth have not been given any responsibility in the party or government directly. Although according to some, it can be considered as a neglect of the younger generation or it can be said that the elders have left no room for these new faces, but the people of Sensex culture are more among those who believe so. Instead of neglecting the young faces, it should be considered that it is an opportunity for them, to know and understand their country, feelings of the nation and to be familiar with their voice so that they can show their capacity, skills and energy Can be adapted to the ground reality and then the picture of India of their dreams will be real rather than romantic and aerial. They have to get out of their dreams of Hawa Mahal and search the fields and barns.
The young MPs are now being presented as their destiny of India and as such they have become a mature leader who are going to determine the future of Indian politics and the country. The reason for this glamor and dazzle is due to the birthright of these young leaders. This youth group is ideological, but they are yet to be tied to ideology.The fact is that the youth brigade belongs to specific families, so there are some important similarities among these youth. All of them come from upper classes and classes. All of them have won elections from areas that are almost their ancestral seats. His mother or father had prepared these constituencies in some way or another. All of them have automatically benefited from the party organizational structure due to their hereditary identity.Practices of Indian politics where ideology inherits like ancestral property. Is the youth there not even able to choose political ideology on the basis of their consciousness. The truth is that victory is a victory for their family's identity, as of now these young people have no identity apart from their family.
Indian politics is so class and classy that a grassroots worker of an ordinary family cannot even imagine contesting elections from any established political party at such a young age. At the present time, the expenditure of a Lok Sabha election is not enough for a youth of a normal family to earn such amount even in his entire life. When he does not have that much capital, will he contest elections again? And will you win?

I would like to tell you one more thing… After writing all this, if I do not talk about women in Indian politics, then this analysis will be incomplete. For those responsible in our political analysis and media, youth only means 'young men' and that too only the upper house. It is a fact that there is not a single woman or female candidate in this won youth brigade. Is this fact in Indian politics
Does not the prevalence of male power and male supremacy prevail in the established political houses? If it does, then why is it the silent acceptance of media and intellectuals and analysts? Is this the reason behind the lack of passage of 33 percent reservation for women in the Lok Sabha? Will anyone question the male dominated society? In such an adverse situation it is logical to say that portraying youth in this way in politics is harmful to Indian democracy. This can have many negative consequences.

Dr Priyadarshini Agnihotri


  1. If system is rotten, you cannot expect much more from it!...Mps are selected before being elected. Whereas lot of young people with high qualifications are roaming around without simple livelihood platforms, our Mps-Mlas are getting much more they are expected...
