Monday, June 15, 2020

Paralysed Examination Process

Currently, the whole world is struggling with the epidemic of Nobel Covid-19, and our students have been fighting for even bigger epidemic for many years. This article is about our examination system and this article is dedicated to the perfect innocent students. Why am I saying innocent .....? Covid 19 is wreaking havoc all over the world …… and our education administrative system is busy preparing for the exam. Good thing but still there is something to say. It is just and just formality and fulfillment ..... because our exam system .... #### ... doing the same before

Talking about the literal meaning of examination, it means "to look around in a good way". Tests along with learning are mandatory processes. Without testing we cannot determine whether the teaching or learning we have given is moving in the right direction. Means testing is the way in which we see the success or failure of education. This has always happened, too. Testing has always been an integral part of education. In ancient times, when we had a Gurukul system, even at that time, the final qualification of the disciple was measured only through the Guru examination. It was practical, mental, and physical
If we talk about examinations in education in modern India, then according to the order of 1854, Wood's manifesto, whichever universities were established in 1857 on the lines of the University of London, they did the examination which was established in the country, while the examination system was a little more modest. 
Do you think the testing system today is apt? A good testing system has certain qualities, in which reliability and authenticity are prominent. But the present test system prevalent in our country is so flawed that both these qualities are missing in it. The current education system suffers from a defect of individualism. I can say this with confidence, because if the same copy is given to the same examiner for checking three times and he is not told that it is the same copy, then he evaluates it three times and give it different marks. 
Moreover, the passing or not of about 40% of the students depends on who reads their answer sheet. The test result of 10% of the students depends on when their answer sheet has been read, meaning the results depends on the mood of the person who is checking it. Our university is familiar with this attitude of testers. Only then do they facilitate complete evaluation. The results that have come out of this are also shocking. We need to question the credibility of the current examination system. Let me explain this with an example. Suppose the name of a university is not appropriate. It happens in all government Universities Why am I saying that because there is no failure in private university. Suppose 600 students applied for the assessment and 400 students who failed earlier passed the process. 50 students become eligible to get Grace more than 75% of the students who pass were failed. What does it mean that the examiners who first checked the copy were either not qualified and the one who checked in the re-evaluation were more qualified? This is the best example of the unreliability of our current examination system.In the current exam system that is going on, there is no need for any student to have knowledge of the entire subject to pass this exam. Examination has become a direct meaning of how much you can master the art of cheating.Only a few questions have to be asked from the whole book and even getting 33% marks is sufficient to pass it. This exam has become a test for the ability to read only a few selected questions and to present them cleverly in the answer sheet. I am also a part of education system, in all this is a lot of pain and sorrow, even more sad is that all these examination processes have come to dominate our educational process. The examination system on which we depend does not test the students' academic and intellectual achievements nor attempt to see any aspect of their character and personality
One fact is even more sad. Understand this, this is the only motivational element for the teacher and the students in the examination system. The teacher pays special attention only to the chapter which is important from the point of view of the exam, and the student also learns that. Is what is required to pass
What is meant is that passing the exam is the only criterion for the success of both the teacher and the student. Now when passing the test is the test of success, then it also has side effects. Our entire educational system has become toxic. Our syllabus, books, teaching system, teachers are all focused on passing the exam only and only.Now it is time for exams, then it is time for students' hard work, I do not call it time, but what is the weather?Some special talented students also come to the college to tick the IMP question even from this one-day series. All these also do not fill the mind of the students, these are caught copying the examination hall and showing the strength of their political reach. Don't know how many unethical tricks are used. The reason behind writing all this is to try to say that instead of improving education, the need to improve the examination system is very important.Improvement may occur if fixed. Improvement may be made if methods of evaluation are proven, reliable, objective and practical.I am placing more emphasis on assessment because the way a doctor evaluates his or her success with a change that leads the patient to health, the teacher evaluates his / her learning as expected changes in the student such as character building, personality development and student behavior Based on change
And if we base the assessment on this, then our teaching method will definitely change. We will be able to give some better students and personality to the society. Believe that this evaluation system will be more useful and comprehensive than our faulty education system. Which will help us in achieving the basic objectives of education. The student is innocent because he did not make the test process.

Dr.Priyadarshini Agnihotri 