Friday, June 12, 2020

Types of Mineral Resources

Minerals: Meaning and Definition
The items obtained by digging from the ground or depth are called minerals. "Minerals are naturally occurring substances of organic or inorganic origin that have their own atomic structure, definite chemical composition and physical properties."
General characteristics of minerals- Often each mineral consists of two or more chemical elements. For example, quartz is made up of silicon and oxygen. Similarly, calcium carbonate is a chemical compound made of calcium (lime), carbon and oxygen. Some minerals are found to be composed of the same element; Gold, Copper, Lead, Graphite and Sulfur.

Types of Mineral Resources Based on chemical and physical characteristics, there are two broad groups of minerals - (1) metallic minerals, (2) non-metallic minerals. 

These groups can be classified as follows
1. Metallic Minerals - Metallic minerals are those minerals that are melted into metals; Such as iron, manganese, bauxite, tin, copper, silver, gold and zinc etc. These minerals are found in igneous and metamorphic rocks. Metals derived from these minerals can be beaten or melted into various shapes, such as wires, sheets and rods, etc. They do not break when hit and rub on hard surface, they become smooth and shiny. There are again two classes of metallic minerals
(1) Ferrous Minerals - The minerals in which iron content is found are called iron-containing metallic minerals. The main examples of these are iron-ore, manganese, tungsten, nickel etc.
(ii)Non-Ferrous Minerals The iron content is not found in these minerals. Gold, silver, copper, lead, bauxite, tin and magnesium etc. are examples of non iron-rich minerals.

2. Non-Metallic Minerals - Metals are not obtained from these minerals. Depending on the origin, non-metallic minerals can be both organic or inorganic. Fossil fuels such as coal, mineral oil, and natural gas, which are derived from long-term land holdings of plants and animals, are examples of organic metallic minerals. Other types of non-metallic minerals are of inorganic origin. Limestone, sulfur, gypsum, mica, salt etc. are examples of minerals of this class. All types of non-metallic minerals are found in sedimentary rocks. Solid metallic minerals cannot be beaten, but cut, scrapped, or broken into various shapes. . They are broken into pieces or become sawdust . They are also not smooth and shiny when rubbed on hard surfaces.

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